Please join the Meaningful Movies Project and Our Children’s Trust for the award winning film, YOUTH v GOV, produced by Barrelmaker Productions and Vulcan Productions! This event (which is organized by Mt Baker Meaningful Movies and co-sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia Meaningful Movies group) is part of a series of Meaningful Movies screenings and community conversations for this incredibly important and timely film. With news of devastating storms, increasing wild fires raging around the world, and other stories of environmental devastation, this hopeful and often joyful film is more important than ever.
YOUTH v GOV is the story of America’s youth taking on the world’s most powerful government, filing a ground-breaking lawsuit against the U.S. government. They assert it has willfully acted over six decades to create the climate crisis, thus endangering their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property.
The Juliana plaintiffs represent the diversity of America’s youth impacted by the climate crisis. Hailing from across the country, they encompass cultural, economic racial, and geographic diversity, with many from marginalized communities, and their stories are universal. Their diversity speaks not only to the impacts of climate change, but to the inclusion required if we are to build a better, more just future together. If these young people are successful, they will not only make history, they will change the future.
This film will be available to watch both on your own or as part of a group screening. REGISTER AT:
Please see the schedule below:
PERSONAL ONLINE VIEWING PERIOD: September 21st at 5PM to September 23rd at 5PM. Please note that we have a limited number of online links to watch the film on your own. After you register, you will receive instructions about how to request a personal link to watch the film, if that is what you want to do.
ONLINE GROUP SCREENING ON ZOOM: September 23rd – 5PM – 6:50PM – Watch together before the community conversation
Special Guests: Andrea Rodgers – the lead attorney for the Washington State climate lawsuit as well as several student activists! This will be a fascinating evening and you will hear the latest updates about both the federal case and state cases!”
Our Children’s Trust
Mt Baker Meaningful Movies
Episcopal Diocese of Olympia – Youth Ministry, Adult Faith Formation, Climate Task Force, Episcopal Diocese of Olympia Meaningful Movies