“So contemplation, then, is simple. It embraces, includes and embodies everything that is. All dimensions of reality. All points of view. All the sources of wisdom. All cultures. All faiths. God is One.”
Laurence Freeman OSB, sOURCES OF WISDOM

Welcome to the ECWW Contemplative Practices Online Community.
We invite contemplatives from all faith traditions to participate in any of our group practices. We hope you find here a loving and compassionate online sanctuary for spiritual connection and companionship in stillness.
Our current offerings and meeting links are below. Feel free to join as convenient for you. It would be very helpful as we plan our programming to hear about how our schedule suits yours. If we have enough interest around an additional day/time, we may be able start a new group.
Our online contemplative group practices are like those offered at many in-person churches in the diocese, but primarily serve contemplatives from small churches/communities without in-person resources or for whom current in-person meeting times aren’t convenient. Please see the practice pages for in-person contemplative practice opportunities and let us know if you’d like to have your in-person meeting information included.
There is no cost or obligation to participate in our online group practices. The only technical requirement is a computer or telephone and an internet connection. The more important requirement is a desire to be more centered in the Divine (however you understand that) and a willingness to support and be supported by an online contemplative community. You can participate in as many online groups as you like and you can leave at any time.
Welcoming Prayer – a method of consenting to God’s presence and action in our physical and emotional reactions to events and situations in daily life. The purpose of the Welcoming Prayer is to deepen our relationship with God through consenting in the ordinary activities of our day — “consent-on-the-go.” |
Centering Prayer – a receptive method of Christian silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, prayer in which we experience God’s presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. |
Contemplative Creativity – meets monthly for art and companionship – to explore spirituality through mindful creativity, focusing on process or experience as opposed to product or permanence. |
Mindful Poetry – Come and travel with us in a pursuit of poetry! Our once-monthly group practice focuses on the mindful reading of verse, concentrating on sensory experience and spiritual connection. Instead of using analysis and explanation, we approach poems with a sense of curiosity and openness, a holistic approach to appreciating the beauty and wisdom of a poem. |
Other Contemplative Offerings in the Diocese of Olympia…
Day/Time | Online/In-Person | Church Name/City | Practice Description | Contact Name/Email |
Sundays, 6pm | Online | St. Andrew’s, Seattle | Contemplative Evening Prayer service with Taizé – Since the start of the pandemic, these are now published on YouTube each week and available at any time. This contemplative liturgy is inspired by the worship of the eponymous, ecumenical monastic fraternity in Taizé, France. Our liturgy at St. Andrew’s includes singing, silence, and communion. Meditative repetition of simple Taizé-inspired chant-like songs helps us to breathe deeply and relax. Our dedicated music team has consists of guitar, autoharp, and hand percussion as well as singers. The music team always welcomes new members. The atmosphere is conducive to prayer in many forms. All are welcome at this peace-filled and restful service. | Br. Chris McNabb |
Thursdays, 12:15pm | Online | Emmanuel, Orcas Island | Noon Prayer and Group Lectio Divina | Fr. Berto Gándara |
Fridays, 12:15pm | Online | Emmanuel, Orcas Island | Centering Prayer | Fr. Berto Gándara |
Mondays, 9-9:30am | Online | St. Paul’s, Port Townsend | Centering Prayer | Rev. Dianne Andrews |
Wednesdays, 9-9:30am | Online | St. Paul’s, Port Townsend | Centering Prayer | Rev. Dianne Andrews |
Fridays, 9-9:30am | Online | St. Paul’s, Port Townsend | Centering Prayer | Rev. Dianne Andrews |
Daily | St. Paul’s, Port Townsend | Three things in Kairos Time – There is another kind of time that is known as “kairos time.” The classical interpretation refers to a moment of opportunity. Spiritually, I like to think about kairos time as “God’s time,” “eternity’s time,” the experience of “time-less-ness.” For me, being in kairos time means being fully present without a thought of linear time. Visit these daily offerings from Rev. Dianne Andrews. | Rev. Dianne Andrews | |
Saturdays, 5pm | Online | St. Andrew’s, Port Angeles | Prayer for the World | Dcn. Keith Dorwick |
Saturdays, 9:30-11:30am | In-person, or via YouTube Livestream | Saint Mark’s Cathedral’s Bloedel Hall, 1245 10th Ave E, Seattle | Local practitioners gather together for a community meditation, teaching, and coffee social. Gatherings are designed to accommodate and empower a wide variety of practices, from Buddhist meditation to centering prayer. | Tan Nisabho Bhikkhu |
Do you have a contemplative offering at your church that you would like to share? Please submit this form. Thank you!
Find PNW in-person meetings here.
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WCCM | The World Community for Christian Meditation
2021 Convention Workshop Presentation Video and Resources
Jesus & Buddha Meet in Stillness Four-part Series with Paul Rietmann
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