Join Carla Orlando for Part Two of Way to Being, Feb 9.
“To live a bond of Life with my being is to live a bond of Life with what is more than me and present to me, creating me, a creative presence within me.”
-Andre Rochais, founder PRH International
Way to Being: Collage

Andre Rochais believed that within every human being, there is a universal dimension that goes beyond all cultures or beliefs, a life force that propels them to become themselves and live in relationship to the Spirit. His research resulted in a methodical, contemplative way of following body sensations, helping persons become more aware of their interior world and “being,” a process that respects each person, their freedom, autonomy, dignity, and uniqueness.
In session two, we’ll introduce a new theme and medium for creative expression and review the method for the benefit of both new and returning participants. More teaching and practice of written reflection and speaking/listening in small groups will help deepen the practice of creative expression for all. Participants are encouraged to experiment with these contemplative tools between the sessions and in an on-going way, all transferable to a personal practice and for sharing in other, faith-based settings and groups.
What are my motivations, expectations, or apprehensions as I prepare for evening #2?
I return to my work from evening #1. What did I learn about myself by painting with color?
What lives at the heart of me and calls me to life?
With this contemplative practice, we begin slowly, spending time with the presented theme before making any choices about creative expression with collage. The quiet space allows for the mind to notice a felt sense, a response to the theme from the interior life that is “below the neck,” guided by a body sensation. The choices of image, placement, and form follow. Stepping back from the collage work can deepen the meaning and invite further exploration, “What does this expression reveal to me?”
Simple, easy, and inexpensive, meant to encourage freedom and use, located in or around home or found at a local drug store or craft shop. Please do not feel pressured to go to any significant effort or expense to prepare for this program.
- Old magazines, calendars, greeting cards, recycle papers, mailings, or brochures with colorful images or design;
- ·Scissors
- ·Rubber cement, glue stick, paste, Modpodge, or Elmers glue;
- ·If using Modgepodge or Elmer’s glue: a small brush, yogurt container with water for washing brushes, plastic lid for a glue palette, rags or paper towels for any spills;
- ·Paper, tablet, sketch pad, or unlined journal of any size;
- ·A board or flat surface for working, protected as needed by newspaper, brown bags, or sheet.
- A pen and lined paper for reflective writing.
Optional and additional materials for collage:
- Materials from evening #1, painting with color
Wednesday, February 9 at 6pm PST, via Zoom. Register here. (If you registered for session one, you don’t need to re-register.)

Our Guide:
Carla Orlando, M.Ed, is an educator and spiritual director who teaches discernment, reflective writing, and contemplative prayer at Seattle Pacific University and at the Grunewald Guild for art and spirituality. Carla’s ministry includes Spiritual Direction Services at the Ignatian Spirituality Center, the Spiritual Exercises of Everyday Life retreat, the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, and the Jesuit Restorative Justice Initiative. Carla’s somatic method, training, and supervision with PRH (Personnalite et Relations Humaines) International School of Adult Development is integral to her personal approach and guides her work with university students, faculty, organizational professionals, and people of faith.
Questions? Email Sylvia Sepulveda.
Contemplative Creativity meets the the second Wednesday of each month at 6pm PT, via Zoom.