“It takes us to the open space where the original experience of God took place. It takes us to the ground of being, the Source of all being. In this regard, it answers to the deepest aspirations of all religious persons, whatever their tradition, whatever was the first experience out of which grew their particular expression of faith.”
M. Basil pennington O.C.S.O.

Our group practice follows the Contemplative Outreach model.
Find PNW in-person meetings here.
Useful Links:
Contemplative Outreach
CO Centering Prayer Introductory Program – five-video playlist, watch one per week.
Contemplative Outreach Northwest
Lectio Divina Brochure from Contemplative Outreach
The Contemplative Society: Home
WCCM | The World Community for Christian Meditation
A Borderless Practice: The Interspiritual Invitation of Centering Prayer – Article by Keith Kristich, a commissioned presenter of Centering Prayer as well as a certified teacher of meditation and the Enneagram.